Thursday, February 16, 2012

lucky numbers


  1. Thinking of you today!!! Yes, multiple exclamation points for you. Love, Molly

  2. Thanks, Molly, I appreciate that. have a good day too. sp

  3. What is that line you add to the end of a fortune cookie fortune? "on the toilet", or is it "in bed"? You choose I guess...or choose better like, "on your birthday!". Preston says that lucky numbers beginning with 7 and 11 mean it is Slurpee time!

  4. Hi Julian! I think your sense of humor has been made very sophisticated by your parenting and working in the schools. thanks for the sweet wishes & I'll be ready for an icee pretty soon now too. Have a lucky day!! love, sp

  5. I pay little attention to fortune-cookie extracts except when they praise my wonderfulness in one thing or another. What I really love here is the curlicue in your electric cord that helps to turn your picture into something gloriously art nouveau.

  6. There you go! the plug & cord are what I see there too. thanks, Glenn, for such a favorable fortune. I appreciate your always-positive and open mind. sp
