Wednesday, July 14, 2010

share happiness

near the corner of Gentilly and Elysian Fields


  1. These make me very're in my neck of the woods!

  2. I was about to write of Roof With Clouds that you had outdone yourself, then I saw the billboard.

  3. Well, that's a profound slogan, all right. Those billboards certainly seem overpower the shop beneath them, though.

  4. Dear bayoucreole, What a thrill to have you recognize it! It's such a magnificent confluence of stuff... I live a block and a half from there.

    Dear K, I'm so glad that you are there to see what I'm seeing. I appreciate your kind words.

    Dear Ellen, Thanks, it's not exactly a shop, more of a check cashing station. Payday loans. and to the right, in what used to be a substandard MacDonalds, after Katrina they made China Star Buffet, really very delicious and fun. And the pigeons love the billboards almost as much as I do. love, sussah

  5. I love, love, love, the breadth, the expansiveness of these shots, especially the top one with the two billboards. I've been known to pop into China Star for lunch occasionally. You even may have chanced to catch a glimpse of one or more of the wait staff wheeling me out in a hand truck on those days.

  6. Ahh...Have a Coke and a smile! Makes me want to go over to the Coke machine in my garage and grab a Pepsi. Pepsi was on sale;)

  7. Hi Glenn, Now it's my turn to give you an "LOL"... I'm on the reference desk and you made me laugh. At the China Star, my husband loves the protein and I love the "fried" and the sugar, then we both get multiple childrens-birthday-party size Blue Bell ice creams. Some of the Asian cuisines are thought of as healthful, but Chinese buffet is in the stratosphere of caloric intake. Wonderful. And I appreciate so much that you liked these. I'll get back to beautiful or strange cemeteries soon enough, but this corner is definitely life-affirming. sp

  8. Dear Julian, The billboards for cold drinks are especially attractive these days-- we hit actual temp of 96 yesterday, at least. I know it's warmed up for you-all, but I think you're kind of liking it after the cool June. Love, sussah

  9. Hi Sussah,
    You know, if I had "boss status" I'd be "lovin'" "sharing the happiness"!
    Great pics!

  10. Hi Rick, Wow, that incorporates a lot of advertising. You do have boss status, and I wish you also had a sno-ball, and the joys of the Chinese buffet. thanks, sp
