Friday, November 16, 2012

lunchtime sights

between Tulane campus and Riverbend and back


  1. I like number one: how did you manage that without her catching you?

    Number two is okay. But there's a but too much color. That house looks like it's wearing night-time rouge to a brunch at Commander's. ;-)

    Three, four, and six are fun.

    Number five is—what's the word I'm looking for?—Mechesque!

    You know I'm kidding. I love them all!

    1. Any day I'm the least bit Mechesque, that is a happy day. But to answer your questions, I find that it would be difficult to get the attention of a young person who is "elsewhere" so she completely didn't notice. These are all cell pics from my yesterday lunchtime adventure to get a haircut. Only one that is modified at all is the one with rouge (#2) which I started playing with in brightness and saturation. My phone-camera does the equivalent of squinting when there is a completely sun-drenched scene and it came up with that weird pink tinge... I'll have to look at that building again. have a good Friday,& thanks, sp

  2. Nice light

    Happy Aloha Friday!
    Comfort Spiral

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    1. hi Cloudia, thanks, what a nice thing to say! aloha, sp
