Thursday, May 26, 2011

summer on our calendar


  1. I can almost smell that Magnolia and feel the damp heat of New Orleans. What a beautiful photograph!

    Here in Virginia our magnolias are just beginning to bloom. The garden is looking pretty good right now. We thought it was going to be a bumper year for the peonies, and it almost was. Last week, just as they were approaching their peak, we had a ten-minute hail storm with hail the size of hominy grits. The next morning the poor peonies looked as if they had been water-boarded by Dick Cheney. They came back a little before their time was past.
    Now, other less showy blooms are taking their place

  2. Thanks Joel! I have heard hail being compared to many things, but never hominy grits. To a flower, that's big enough. But I heard a report of two inch hail someplace! We finally got some rain last night, and the grass and all the plants are nice and wet. On another topic, we are glad to have Cory "in the house" this week, by which I mean the special collections reading room. nice to hear from you! sp

  3. Joel - you must be a writer? The imagery in your words was so very descriptive ("hail the size of hominy grits" and "the poor peonies looked as if they had been water-boarded by Dick Cheney").

    SP: gorgeous pix of the flowers, keep 'em coming. Have a good weekend.

  4. I agree, that pic is gorgeous! It makes me want to sit outside in my backyard with a nice glass of wine.
    Hey! I may just do that this weekend! :)

  5. Lovely, Sissah. Beautiful lights and
    darks. Happy weekend. Love, Sally

  6. Good morning Molly, thanks very much! Joel is the author of (highly recommended) Ken and Thelma, his memoir about the background of the novel A Confederacy of Dunces by John Kennedy Toole. Joel has a wonderful conversational style of writing. My current job is in the Louisiana Research Collection, and I have enjoyed learning about Toole's life and writing, as well as the people attuned to this whole area of study. sp

  7. Dear bc, I'm glad you liked the photo, and I know you appreciate the beauty of our environment too. I was just looking at your mother's day post again last night, and it's so nice to hear from you! sp

  8. Dear Sally, thanks for your kind words, I especially liked this comment, I've needed to learn about the use of black, most of the time I'm attracted to bright colors and lighter tones. And isn't the magnolia the "lemonade of summer"? haha, trying to get Emily to say something. love, sp

  9. I read A Confederacy of Dunces years ago and will look for Joel's book, thanks for mentioning it.

    hmmm, "Lemonade of summer"? Had not heard that one.
