Thursday, June 03, 2010

the hidden building's signs

the hidden building is Parkway Bakery and Tavern


  1. I hear music while looking at this photo - Simple Things.

  2. Thanks Glenn! have a peaceful friday, sp

  3. Between you and Glenn, Sussah, one gets a real feel for New Orleans' "geography" (quotes because I don't mean that in a really literal sense). I'd add that a shot like this one, after 13 years in Japan, reminds me of home. (I said the same thing about a recent post of Glenn's.)

  4. Hi Rick, Thanks, I appreciate hearing this from you. A Canadian friend born in Nova Scotia, a librarian who works with me and has been here over five years now, said that when he first came to New Orleans, it felt like he was coming home. But I think you might mean that our photographs are sort of evocative, in a general way, of life in the Western Hemisphere. And what an insight you are giving us. I've got some Japanese-looking trees on my street, I think because the branches are so visible after all the storms. thanks, sp
