Thursday, June 09, 2011

the back lot

Movie-making preparations for another stretch of filming on the Tulane University campus, behind Jones Hall. This time, the work in progress is Loft.


  1. Neat. How high up and in what building were you when you took the photo? How close to the building in which you work?

  2. Dear Molly, thanks, this is from my desk, 2nd floor of Jones Hall. virtually the whole back half of this building houses the archives of the main library's special collections. I work on the reading room reference desk most days, but my work station is in the secure area. It's a very pleasant place to watch the world go by. When I work as a volunteer in the NICU of Children's Hospital, that is a secure area too. sp

  3. "Secure area" means no public access? Your work at the Children's Hosp sounds wonderful, probably very satisfying if perhaps a little trying emotionally. How/when did you get started doing that?

    I imagine special collections are in temp and humidity controlled areas and suspect you are in a well air-conditioned office (the college library up here is NOT a/c'ed although Archives is humidity controlled). I cannot imagine the heat and humidity in NO. Your earlier pictures seemed to capture the heat and humidity, golly.

  4. Hi Molly, that's funny that you mention the a/c. It's problematic, but our building is better climate-controlled than the main library. I cant' get into too many details but over there, they are still operating on the "temporary" post-Katrina system of big tubes along the ceiling. A new system will be built when two floors are added to that building. FEMA is involved, local readers will understand this. back to the archives, the public cannot browse the special collections, that's why we are working so hard to get them documented and discoverable. and regarding the bebbies, I've been doing this type of volunteering on a weekly basis since 1997, with a period of time when I could not, which was oddly nine months long (Sept. 2005- May 2006.) Thanks for looking in! sp

  5. Hi Sussah!
    Nice pic. And I can comment again!
    FYI: From my current browser (Chrome) the sidebar stuff on your main page is still appearing as a kind of footer. But, in comments (now) it looks pretty normal.
    I think (I hope!) you know I'm not telling you this to complain or anything. Just stuff I think you might like to know.

  6. Hi Rick, So nice that the rains have come to keep you by the computer, (glad to hear from you). I saw on the "Revolver Map" that there had been a hit from Miyazaki! thanks for your help with the template stuff... I appreciate your letting me know. I'm finally at peace with it, in spite of a few remaining strange things like the one you describe. glad you liked the photo. sp
