Saturday, June 04, 2011

a complicated intersection

you just have to know where you're going.


  1. Saying you go to "Saint Leo The Great" sounds much better than saying Emerson or Everglades.....

    Have a good weekend.

  2. A wonderful photo. The bicyclist makes it!

    By the way, you're blog is working perfectly in Firefox now ;-)

  3. Never mind, I spoke too soon about the blog. It works when I go directly to a page from my "Grand Tour" gadget. Otherwise, no :-(

  4. Hi Molly, Yes, lots of saints here. But the schools in Miami are named in lovely ways too. I especially liked the name Banyan. Mine was called Coral Park, which just brings to mind a big rock pit. Here, that would be Saint Roch. thanks for commenting & have a beautiful cool weekend, sp

  5. Hi Glenn, this could be minor progress! I will read what the blogger help users say, and other suggestions are welcome. thanks for letting me know. also, this photo was because of your comment the other week about pictures from the drivers seat. Not that the bicyclists follow traffic signals, but I was stopped at the red light and he legally travelled in front between the confusing traffic. thanks, sp

  6. Good morning, regarding the template changes, I decided it was more important to me, for everyone to be able to enlarge the photos, click links and comment, than it was to have the most beautiful layout. The experience was an object lesson in the Serenity Prayer (what isn't?). I appreciate hearing from you. sp

  7. I like the new layout although the old one was fine too. The background color is very pleasing to the eye.

    I had forgotten about Banyan Elem. I used to walk by it on the way to Rockway. I recall as a young kid, having only seen Emerson, that when we kids saw Banyan and then Everglades Elementary Schools we were STUNNED that they could look IDENTICAL to Emerson. Our parents must have thought we were pretty slow kids.....funny to think back on that.

  8. Hi Molly, thanks, glad the blog is functioning today! and nice to hear from you. But we were the smart kids... kind of makes you wonder/worry about the others!

  9. along the lines of Garrison Keillor's Lake Wobegon where "all the children are above average"?

  10. Ok, let me just say that, I still have trouble driving in through that intersection! I never know what lane to get into! LOL

  11. Hi bc, I'm glad you recognized this, I thought somebody local would have that reaction. if you tried to read the signs, it would only be confusing, but the worst part of it are the crazy traffic lights going in five directions. watch out if you ever get caught in the middle! but if there are cameras up there, we'll get a $75 ticket or worse yet get into an accident. we're going on intuition at this point. thanks, sp
